
BioTip pilot study: Genetic innovations as a trigger for phase transitions in the population dynamics of animals and plants (GeneTip)

GeneTip Conference June 2018 - ButtonSupported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research / DLR
Project Code 01LC1724


The purpose of the GeneTip pilot project is to explore the possible dimensions of environmental hazards arising from new genetic engineering technologies, which have been, or may be released into the environment. The focus is on „self-propagating artificial genetic elements“ (SPAGE), artificial genetic changes that are designed to spread within natural populations in natural ecosystems. Gene drives based on the so-called gene scissors CRISPR-Cas9 technology are currently the best known examples of these developments. The pilot project GeneTip will lay the foundations for a comprehensive investigation into the potential effects of SPAGE-based environmental releases of plants and animals. In addition to general evaluations of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) generated by so-called gene drives, case studies will be conducted for oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and olive flies (Bactrocera oleae).

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